What you need to bring

Grab a pen and paper and write down answers to these questions as best you can before your first meeting. You can be as detailed or as brief as you want. The thought process alone is a great start.

Things to consider:

·         What vision do I have for my future?
·         What concerns me most?
·         What do I want from my partnership with Ritchie Advice Pty Ltd?
·         Your queries and questions?

The following may take some time to acquire so just be mindful when setting your appointment time.

What to bring:

·         Superannuation fund statements
·         Current investment statements
·         Details of any share holdings
·         Bank account details
·         Personal insurance policy schedules
·         Investment Property details
·         Copies of current loan statements
·         Your income sources, including pay slips and last year’s tax returns
·         Drivers Licence
·         Tax File Number
·         Salary Packaging Statements (e.g. Maxxia)

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